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Features of Romanticism....

Features of Romanticism:-                      1. The Romantic movement was marked by a strong reaction and protest against the bondage of rule and custom. 2. Romanticism is return to nature and plain humanity. 3. It brought again the dream of agoldena age . In which stern reality of life were forgotten and the ideals of youth were established . As the only permanent realities. 4. The Romantic movement was the expression of the individual genius rather than of established rules. Influenced the literature of the revival is as varied as the characters and modes of different writings. 5. The  Romantic movement while it followed its own genious was not altogether unguided . Strictly speaking their is no new movement either in history or in literature,is grows out of some good thing . And looks back with reverence to the past masters.

P.B Shelley

P.B Shelley:- Shelley was born in 1792 .In 1810 ,he was expelled from Oxford university  for his pamphlet." The Necessity of Atheism" . He died in 1822 in Italy . His notable works are " Ode to the West Wind","To a skylarkS","Prometheus unbound" etc. The main theme of Shelley's poetry is freedom and love which are the solution of the evil world.

S.T Coleridge

Coleridge was born in Devonshire in 1772. He was deeply influenced by the high ideas of French revolution ,but after the disillusionment he and the poet Southey planned to established a Utopian Community in Pennsylvania under the name of Pantisocracy ,but the project came to nothing ,In 1797,he met Wordsworth and settled in Somerset. Then he wrote - "The Rime of Ancient mariner" ," Christabel" ," Kubla khan"(unfinished).  He died in 1834.

William Wordsworth

He was born in 1770 in English Lake district and educated in Cambridge.He had been profoundly influenced by French revolution. In 1795, he went to live with his sister,Dorothy ,his most faithful friend.Then he went to Somerset to be near  of S.T Coleridge . The development of their friendship brought them to write a pile of poems called Lyrical Ballads,published in 1798. In 1805,he finished The prelude ,a long autobiographical poem of 14 books.

Difference between Novel and short story

    NOVEL                    SHORT STORY                                                 1.The novel tells        1.The short story tells a Whole life .                     fragment of a life. 2. The novel deals      2.The short story deals  with many things.         with a single thing. 3.The novel has           3. The short story has    many plots ,themes.      one and only plot                                                and theme. 4. The novel has            4. The short story has  climax plot.                        Often simple plot.

What is short story?

*A brief , imaginative narrative containing few characters ,simple plot , conflict,and suspense which leads to a climax and a swift conclusion. * A short story is a brief ,imagina imag narrative , unfolding a single predominating incident and a single chief character ;it contains a plot ,the details of which are so organized ,as to produce a single impression. *Rabindra nath Tagore's Barsayapan(Living with rain) "Simple events of life ,happy or sad ,some sad from the strings from the train of forgetfulness not taught with heavy description ,not crowed with events ,no advice ,no philosophy ,only the feeling that the story is yet not over. Although there is no more to read.

Background of the poem Wild Swan at Coole

                      The poem the Wild Swan at Coole appeared in 1919 volume of poems the poem is all about Yeats' two consequent visit to the coole park on his second visit to coole park after 19 years ,Yeats counted the swan in the lake and found them same number of fifty nine is closely related to Yeats' occultism and personal significance the number suggest Yeats' personal love for Maudgonne . The newmarological resultened of the number suggest Yeats' spiritual attitude to the life of the swans . Which are symbolic of immortality,youthful energy and permanence in contrast with the impermanent human life,beauty and facility creative potential of the poet or artist imperishability and so on.

W.B Yeats as a modern poet

W.B Yeats is often regarded ad the most outstanding modern poet.The famous Irish poet ,he began his career and a leader of the Irish National movement popularly known as the Celtic Renaissance .It is Yeat himself who boldly announced that he was the ''Last Romantic" of English poetry.                                 As a poet W.B Yeats along with T.S Eliot ,Ezra Pound carried on the symbolist  tradition in English poetry.They believed that the subject matter and the style of poetry should not simple and lucid .Rather poetry should be laden with symbols and images to provoke the thought of the reader . Through Yeats adopted the simple and plain poetic style in his earlier poems ,Yet his later poetry is his best. The cardinal characteristics of his poetry are - 1.Evocative ,Symbolism and imagery,2. Occultism or sense of mystery ,3. Unrequited love for Maudgonne,4. Yeats' Romantic attitude begins with the physical plane and ends with the spiritual plane ,5.Nationalist

Comment on the fourth stanza of 'Gracian Urn'....

In the fourth stanza the poet draws a vivid picture of the animal sacrifice performed by the people of a small town by river or sea shore .They have left their sweet homes witness the killing of the heifer lowing at the sky as if praying to God before the loss of her innocent life.The whole stanza is contrast between life of motion and the motionless art.

Comment on the opening lines of the poem "Ode on a Grecian Urn"....

The opening lines of ' Grecian Urn ' represent the paradoxical thought of Keats as the  is Urn is imagined by him both as a bride as well as a foster child of silence and slow time .The lines shock and surprised the reader the way Keats gives the double role to time .What is impossible in real life is made possible by the the poet in the world of art.

Impact on French revolution on P.B Shelley....

The sweeping impact of the French revolution in 1789 .Fell on all the romantics in genetal and P.B Shelley in particular . Shelley's revolutionary gusto as evident in his lyric is a direct outcome of French revolution.He rebelled against the evils and injustice in the 19 th century English society .The common slowgan for the French revolution was  Liberty ,Equality , Fraternity.The impact of this slowganis also evident in both the poem "To A Skylark" ,"Ode to the West Wind".

About classical Muses...

In classical Mythology nine sister Goddess were called the Muses presiding over the different fields of knowledge.These Muses are- 1.Clio(Goddess of History) 2.Euterpa 3.Thalia 4.Melpomene 5.Tersichore 6.Erato 7.Poly hynia 8.Urania 9.Calliope(Goddess of poetry,music,fine art)

What is satire?

Satire is a literary device by which the satirist aims at amending or correcting the follies and vices of an individual,institution,society, or nation .The role of a satirist is the role of a reformar. Satire owes it's root to ancient Rome as the two notable Roman satirist cultivated by this form of writing.Thus ,satire is classified into two broad categories as - (1) Horatian satire or Indirect satire (2) Juvenalian satire or Direct satire The English satirist starting from the metaphysical poets like -Donne ,Marvell to Restoration and Augustan satirist like John Dryden , Alexander Pope,Jonathan Swift.

Critical appreciation of Blake's "Chimney sweeper" poem's second volume 'songs of Experience'....

The second volume entitled as "songs of Experience " .Black's wrath and anger are directed against the God or Christianity ,priest,chirch and the king  who are held responsible for making up a hell misery foR the Chimney sweeper crying 'weep' ,'weep','weep' is a notes of woe.His parents are gone up to the church for pray at that time the Chimney sweepers are send by them for work ,'among the winter snow' .The poem is a sarcasm of cold and in different attitude of God and Christianity,the priest,the king to the plight of the poor Chimney sweeper.In this poem Blacks voice is harsh and stingy.


In Blake's "Chimney sweeper" of the 'songs of Innocence volume Blake refers a little Chimney sweeper who has lost his father and mother.His parents sold him to master Chimney sweeper . The Chimney sweeper cry 'weep','weep','weep' is a parody of child's mumbling of 'sweep'.The speaker in the poem is Chimney sweeper and his friend is 'Tom Dacre' curly hair and white hair is a generalized picture of morbidity suffered by the working class people in England in late 1780s.T he tersh reference of the unhealthy condition of factories and industries by the words like :"coffins Black"," Black","cold" etc .To which the Chimney sweepers like Dick ,Joe  and Ned are easy victims.In this poem Blake's tone is tender and gentle.